Thursday, October 17, 2013

First meeting

Yesterday was the first day of the BETI Book Club. I am glad that by far most of the members came. The first meeting was run in a way which I would have run it if I were running a Book Club, say in England. I hope by doing that I have answered one of the major questions raised by the members.

At first we talked about whether a book club would work in a middle or high school. Here are some of the main ideas.
  1. A number of members have experience in running book clubs at school.
  2. A book club with open discussions is very difficult to work in schools.
  3. It is very difficult to run it in an academic high school.
  4. When choosing a book, the content should not be too mature. Teenagers should be able to relate to it.
  5. There are software programs available for schools to rent. One of which was jointly developed by one of the members of the group
Also, there are a few things which I have learned that may help our Club to run better in the future

  1. Choose a book that is easier (see books with lexile 780L here) and has bigger words.
  2. Host takes more control with the discussion by providing guiding questions
  3. Negotiate how how snacks should be brought in.

Did you know? When people eat together they bond better. This is why food is essential in most book clubs. I simply would not join one if they do not have food. I am truly sorry that the institute does not have a budget to provide it :( Thank you very much for the trainee who shared the mandarin with everybody else. Thank you. May be you could just share them with the people in your group next time.

If you have anything to say, please do so by adding a comment!


  1. Here is a comment! You can write your own too! Click below "Comment as", you can choose "Anonymous" or type your name here.

  2. It was a meaningful and fun time to talk with other English teachers in ENGLISH, even though speaking only in English was not easy for me. I think this book club could give me a good opportunity to be accustomed to reading English books.:D

    1. I hope you will continue to enjoy the book club too.

  3. Yesterday was out 3rd meeting. I'm getting more comfortable to discuss and anticipating next meeting. See you soon~!

  4. Um... yeah. Good to hear that. I hope everyone is feeling the same.

    1. May be because I did not consider our "first meeting" as a real meeting. I thought of it as more of a pre-meeting.
